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Providing Person-Centered ABA Therapy

Providing Person-Centered ABA Therapy

Kyo Regional Director, Nicole Ballinghoff BCBA, joined Gilda Evans from Autism Resource Podcast to discuss Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy and how Kyo strives to provide person-centered therapy.

In their conversation Nicole and Gilda talk about the controversy behind some of the techniques traditionally used under the ABA banner and Kyo’s positive approach. Nicole gives several examples of person-centered ABA therapy programs and how using proactive and positive strategies can help individual clients and their families grow and thrive. They review who can benefit from these types of services and how to incorporate it into school settings as well as daily life.

 Listen to the Podcast

More from Kyo

If you are looking for quick tips on how to use ABA strategies at home visit our Youtube channel.

You can also find more articles on a variety of ABA strategies here.

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